665 - Number of users currently downloading LindowsLive! from the
BitTorrent P2P system. LindowsLive! is now available on virtually all the major P2P systems for free,
and is the easiest way for
people try out Linux. Simply burn a CD with LindowsLive! on
it and start up any computer with the disc in the drive and witness
LindowsOS first-hand, without installing anything. According to
Supernova, at the time of this writing, LindowsLive! is the most popular software title being
downloaded via BitTorrent.
1,830 - Total number of products available in the CNR
Warehouse for one-click install on LindowsOS. Find a list ranking the
most popular programs at www.lindows.com/warehouse.
120,000 vs. 6,450,000 - LindowsOS vs Microsoft Windows mentions on the Internet according to Googlefight. Sure reminds us that we have a long way to go!
4,451 - The number of System Builders
and Resellers signed up to the Lindows.com
Builder and Reseller Programs, so they can sell computers
running LindowsOS or LindowsOS software.
171,993 - Total posts on the Lindows.com forum, where supporters
are anxious to help others, and applaud or constructively criticize
Lindows.com. 164 people have 100 or more posts and 67 have an
astonishing 1000+ posts.
578 - The number of LindowsOS consultants. You can search for one in your
area at www.lindows.com/findanexpert.
1,723,349 - The number of unique visitor sessions to support.lindows.com.
About 95%
of customers find answers to their questions in our rich FAQ system,
and 2,851,812 FAQs have been viewed. The remaining 5% submit phone or
email inquiries which have recently been averaging 291/day. That's a lot of people getting smarter
about the capabilities of desktop Linux everyday, which is key to
1,423 - Number of spam emails I have received since the release of the
latest virus affecting Microsoft Windows computers. Grrrr!
-- Michael