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Revolutionizing Refrigerators – Star Trek Style- June 12, 2002

Do you remember that contraption in Star Trek where they could just speak a food name and magically it would appear? I don't remember what it was called, but I always thought that would be an impressive contraption. With the announcement of SPX last week, we've created the closest thing the world has seen to that device for software. It's called the Click-N-Run Warehouse.

Click here to see what's in the Warehouse

Ok, you can't just speak a word, instead you have to click a tiny icon next to the program name, but after that, it operates just as the Star Trek machine does. You indicate what you want, wait a few seconds (more if you're behind a modem) and presto, what you’ve requested is delivered. The software is downloaded on your machine, installed, configured and ready to run. It alleviates trips to stores, cardboard boxes, shrink wrap, registrations codes and all the usual complexities that come with loading software onto a computer. Best of all, a year membership into the Warehouse is bundled with the LindowsOS software you buy at This means for one price of $99, you get not only a modern operating system, but access to hundreds of quality programs stocked in the Click-N-Run Warehouse all available at no additional costs.  


Click here to see the software genres 

So while the Click-N-Run Warehouse isn’t exactly the Star Trek food replicator gadget, around the office we do talk about it like a futuristic refrigerator. We all know that refrigerators are sold empty. You take them home, plug them in but they're really not useful until they are stocked and that ends up costing substantially more than the purchase price of the refrigerator. There's the constant hassle of trips to the store and back to keep them full. Invariably, some of the food is going to go to waste.

Most of today's computers are no better than an empty refrigerator. They are typically sold mostly empty and you have to add programs you want to make them useful for your needs. It's time consuming to keep them stocked and it can be a huge cost with individual titles costing hundreds of dollars. And just like your fridge, many products go to waste. We all have a laundry list of applications in our program files that haven’t been launched in months. Computer researchers from  AMR Research, Inc. estimates that only half of company software purchased since 1998 is currently in use, acknowledging the high turnover in software usage which translates into lost money for any business on a budget. 

It's time to change how people buy software and how much it costs and that's what the Click-N-Run Warehouse makes possible (along with Linux® and open source). SPX is a refrigerator that comes complete with a huge variety of food. And even though it's 'all-you-can-eat' - meaning you're able to load as many of the hundreds of quality programs as you'd like - you only pay one affordable price for unlimited service all year long. Today there are many useful, fun and business-orientated programs in the Warehouse and we're adding more each day. Our goal is to have the best software collection available, so that no matter what you want to use your computer for, you'll find the software you need. I

It's no secret that Microsoft has been able to offer a better solution for consumers than Linux to date. The rollout of SPX with the Click-N-Run Warehouse means that consumers will have an easier AND more affordable choice for their computers than anything currently available.  

If you haven't tried Click-N-Run yet, you should. It's ease-of-use is addictive. After a few Click-N-Runs, I think you'll agree that this is what the future will look like for desktop computing. And I'm betting you'll unplug that old icebox and never look back.  

NOTE: You're invited to browse the aisles of the Warehouse - just point your browser to You will need a copy of LindowsOS to take advantage of the Click-N-Run Warehouse.

Michael Robertson

Please feel free to visit to get the answers to your questions you may have about LindowsOS or

Bringing choice to your computer! has released LindowsOS SPX to a select group of Insiders. The Sneak Previews are not fully completed products but showcase many of the unique features such as a “Friendly-Install” alongside an existing Microsoft Windows operating system, a streamlined installation process which requires no computer knowledge and the ability to run popular Windows-based programs. This will be followed by the final version due out later in the year. For more information see

LindowsOS and are trademarks of, Inc. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft® Windows® operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation.


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