Often times the rationale for using DRM is
"keeping honest people honest". Perhaps
that's true where a hurdle impedes people's
behavior and steers them in a different path.
But what happens where there is NO
legitimate path? That creates a blockade forcing people in a negative
direction. It makes an honest person dishonest. For those who want on demand digital music, but want to own
music and play it everywhere, they could only turn to underground
channels. (Yes, you can order a CD and wait for it, but
today's consumer wants everything NOW.) iTunes and Napster
will give you music on demand but it's a rental model
restricted by time or location. (Even Jobs admits people
don't like to rent music
.) Try to play that music
from a web page, Linux computer, many MP3 players, Tivo, etc. and it
will fail.
One of the most rewarding parts of
is hearing from users. And what many are saying is they want
to pay for music, but they want to own it. They're honest people
trying to be honest. Here's a representative email:
From: "Nxx Mxxxx"
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:55:22 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
To: "Michael Robertson"
Hurray for you Michael, you did it. Now we
who want to be honest can be and that's marvelous. Thank you
for your persistence.
Nxx Mxxxx
And there's been public articles
about it too. Like Matt Hartley who wrote "Special rules, renting your
music - it's all very silly in my
eyes." and "I want to see the artists getting paid! ...Personally, I am
going to make purchases from AnywhereCD and let this
[dispute with WMG] work itself out."
Thanks for the support Matt and others. I
want people to be honest too. I don't want them to use P2P
because there's no other way to get music legally that they can own and
play wherever they like. Now there's an option with AnywhereCD where
honest people can remain
-- MR
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