I'm proud to announce the availability of LindowsOS 3.0 - an affordable and compatible operating system for the mass market.

LindowsOS 3.0 Membership Edition Now Available
Naturally, I'm eager to tout its many quality features (more on that later), but there's a more significant development taking place which marks a milestone for the PC business.
There's no dispute that Microsoft has had a hammerlock on retailers for many years and prevented competing products from coming to market. (They've been convicted twice of illegal behavior in this regard.) During this time, consumers have been gouged with high software prices and new companies have been frozen out of channels.
Without retailers marketing competing products, consumers are left with just one choice. With consumers all purchasing the same product, retailers question if there's demand for a competitor. Without any way to distribute their products, new companies have struggled and inevitably collapsed. It's a classic chicken and egg problem. The significance of the debut of LindowsOS 3.0 is not just the technical merits, but its availability preinstalled on PCs from some of the largest retailers in the world like Wal-Mart and TigerDirect.
No longer are the store shelves stocked only with Microsoft labeled products. For the first time, Linux-based PCs are being marketed to middle America (and middle UK by our British retailers). Many of those retailers are telling us that LindowsOS computers are the BEST SELLING computer in their entire inventory! For example, check out the Best Sellers chart at TigerDirect, where you'll usually find the $229 LindowsOS computer made by Wintergreen in the top spot (where it has been since it's introduction). Hopefully, this signals the re-emergence of true competition on the desktop, which will mean higher quality products and at lower prices.

Best-Selling Computer at TigerDirect runs LindowsOS
Since sending out this Michael's Minute, TigerDirect has completely
sold out of thousands of these machines. They have
temporarily had to stop taking orders but will soon be coming out with a
new, even fuller line of LindowsOS machines. We'll let you know
when this happens.
If you're considering LindowsOS 3.0, there are two ways for you to experience it. The easiest way is to purchase a computer from a retailer selling LindowsOS certified machines. You'll be pleased to hear that models sell for as little as $199 making them economical for business, home or school. You'll want to sign up as a Click-N-Run member for $99 after you receive the machine which gives you complete access to a well-stocked library of quality software programs to get the most value out of your computer. If you already have a computer to use LindowsOS on, you can purchase LindowsOS 3.0 with a Click-N-Run Membership included
for $129 plus shipping. With your purchase, you will be given immediate access to download the software. You will also receive a handsome 2-CD installer and a full-color quick start guide. (If you don't want the physical CDs, then we'll knock $10 off the price to $119.)
For those still wondering if LindowsOS is right for them, here's our list of the Top 10 reasons that we like LindowsOS and we think you will too!
Low Cost
For only $129 you get a complete operating system as well as hundreds of software products that provide the same functionality as typical Microsoft® Windows software that could cost thousands more.
Click-N- Run
With Click-N-Run, you can download and install hundreds of software programs with literally one click of your mouse, including commercial software such as StarOffice, Tux Racer Deluxe, Photogenics, Hancom Sheet, etc.
LindowsOS is designed with the desktop user in mind and is the easiest to install and use operating system you'll ever experience. You can Install LindowsOS in under 10 minutes. No, really, UNDER 10 minutes! You will feel right at home with the natural and familiar layout and graphical environment.
Microsoft Windows File Compatibility
Using products from the Click-N-Run Warehouse you'll be able to edit all the popular file types, including those for Microsoft® Word (.doc), Excel (.xls), PowerPoint (.ppt), Real Audio (.ram, .rm), other audio files (.wav, .mp3), graphic file types (.psd, .jpg, .gif, .tif, .bmp, .pdf, etc.), and many more.
Click here for tips on Migrating from Microsoft® Windows
Lifetime Family Licensing
Unlike traditional software programs from Microsoft® and others, LindowsOS, and any software installed from the Click-N-Run Warehouse, all come with friendly "lifetime family licensing." This means you can use LindowsOS and the programs in your My.Lindows.com account on any computer used by you AND any immediate family members living in your home. This can save you thousands if your family owns multiple home and/or notebook computers. Also, all the software you install with Click-N-Run is yours for life, and we even store a copy for you for easy access in your lifetime My.Lindows.com account.
Security and Viruses
The problems with viruses and security flaws have become well known with Microsoft® Windows. Fortunately, because of its Linux design, LindowsOS users don't have to deal with the constant headache of email viruses that Microsoft® Windows users suffer through. Linux is also famous for it's tight security, which benefits LindowsOS users, helping them feel secure in knowing that their data and files are safe from prying eyes or malicious hackers.
Because LindowsOS is based on Linux, you know it's stable. Linux has long been known for its amazing reliability and never needing to reboot. Additionally, LindowsOS provides quick ways to control any misbehaving software, making the necessity to reboot your computer a thing of the past.
Unlike proprietary software you may have used in the past, the source code to the majority of the software used with LindowsOS is open and available for review by others. When source code is open, more developers can review the code and help make sure it is bug-free and doesn't exploit your privacy or system in any way. Also, other developers can help improve the programs, sharing their enhancements back for others to enjoy.
Money-Back Guarantee
Lindows.com stands behind everything we sell. We want you to be happy with your LindowsOS experience, and if we can't make you happy, your money will be refunded, no questions asked. |
It's Fun!
LindowsOS is just plain fun! Rather than the monopolistic, homogenized approach to everything, LindowsOS is comprised of Linux software and ideas from thousands of engineers from all over the world, making LindowsOS computing a much more diverse and interesting experience.
We're very proud of LindowsOS and are excited that everyone can now experience this modern, stable and affordable operating environment.
Michael Robertson

Please visit support.lindows.com to answers questions you may have about LindowsOS or Lindows.com.
Bringing Choice to Your Computer!
Lindows.com is a consumer company that brings choice to computer users. Lindows.com, Inc. was started by Michael Robertson, founder and former CEO of MP3.com. LindowsOS is a modern, affordable and easy-to-use operating system that allows users access to hundreds of applications via the Click-N-Run(TM) Warehouse. All applications in the Click-N-Run Warehouse (www.lindows.com/warehouse) are licensed on a lifetime, per-person or family basis and can be downloaded, installed and run with just one-mouse click. LindowsOS is presently available on LindowsOS Certified Computers (www.lindows.com/pc) being offered from Lindows.com Builder partners (www.lindows.com/builders). LindowsOS can be ordered on CD and/or downloaded at www.lindows.com/order.
LindowsOS supports most modern-day computer systems, installing in under 10 minutes. Some older or more unique computer configurations could require more time to install.
LindowsOS and Lindows.com are trademarks of Lindows.com, Inc. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft® Windows operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation.