a recent promotional piece, the Internet Service Provider, Earthlink, explained
what it called The Harris Family problem: "Lisa wants to use the
phone. Bobby wants to download MP3s. Mom and Dad are going crazy."
This reminds me of long ago, growing up, when there was only one phone
company. Some of you may not know or have forgotten, but way back when,
most homes leased phones since the phone company wouldn't let you
actually buy one. Since the cost of leasing a phone was expensive, most
homes only had one, usually on a table in the kitchen or hanging from the wall in a central
hallway. |
... |

One Phone
Ah, but little by little things changed. The phone company
monopoly came to an end and people were allowed to start buying (as opposed to leasing)
phones. Stores like Radio Shack, WalMart and others started selling phones,
and soon the prices were so low that most homes started having multiple phones. Today, you can buy a cordless phone at Wal-Mart today for under $25!

One Television
... |
wasn't just the telephone to go through this multiplying effect either.
Perhaps many of you remember the days of the solo television set in the
living room, or the grand console "hi fi" that the entire family shared
and gathered around to listen to Meet The Beatles way back when. |
Someday we'll all look back on the age of the single family computer
and wonder how we ever got along. I'm constantly hearing about the battles
families are having over the one household computer. The rush hour usually
starts in the late afternoon, culminating in total gridlock by 9 p.m.,
when parents are through with the dishes and finally have time to check
their e-mail but the older children are now ready to begin their homework
assignments due the next day.
Fortunately, we're starting to see the same thing happen with computers
just as we did with phones, TVs and stereos. As more and more competition
comes to companies like Microsoft and Intel, we're seeing the price of
computers drop to all-time lows.
Walmart.com and
others are selling LindowsOS
computers for under $200. |
... |

under $200, families can
now have multiple computers!
Many families are now finding it easier to buy an additional computer
(or two) than to try bringing
peace with rules about whose turn it is to use the computer. Also, as
broadband services such as DSL and cable modems start to enter more and
more homes, for a few bucks it's easy to add a low-cost router to provide
all these new computers with high-speed Internet access.
At Lindows.com, we're doing our part to lead the charge of breaking
up home computer gridlock. Not only can you buy an ultra-affordable LindowsOS
computer perfectly capable of most computing needs (e-mail, web browsing,
word processing, games, etc.), but with SurfSafe,
you can safely place these extra computers right in a child's room and
have peace of mind that they will be protected from objectionable web content
and emails.
Following the pattern of television and telephone ownership, millions
of households are starting to find the joys of owning two or more PCs. Why
not buy an extra computer
for your family today?
P.S. For those of you who are still unfamilar with Linux, check out the newly
updated TryoutLinux.com
site --there are answers to frequently asked questions, screenshots, Linux
comparisons, a free Demo, etc.